FAQ No:3

Q-3. I think, the greatest contribution to the Namboothiri community is that of Sri Aadi Sankaraacharya. It should be prominently displayed in your website. I have a question: I being a Maadhwa Brahmanan, follow Dvaitha (Sri Maadhavaachaarya). Which philosophy does Namboothiris follow? (V Prasanna Krishna, Systems Analyst, USA)

Ans: Namboothiris also follow Dvaitha but not a follower of any saint like Maadhavaachaarya or Sankaraachaarya. Namboothiris, from time immemorial, believed in "Poorva Meemamsa" and "Karma Sidhaantha". Due to this, Namboothiris always gave importance to performing "Yaagam" and practising "Bhattavruthi" (knowledge acquisition) rather than following a single Aachaarya. The strong belief in "Karma Sidhaantha" is also the basis for the functional classification of Namboothiris. (see the article "Classification of Namboothiris"). Even Sankaraachaarya himself taught Namboothiris not to blindly follow a single personality. This can be clearly seen in everything.

Every Brahmanan community follows a "Smruthy". Namboothiris follow Manusmruthi (written by the famous saint, Manu), but not as a whole. For example, Namboothiris do not accept Manu's concept of "Niyogam" (accepting elder brother's widow as own wife), nor the concept of taking away the rights of women once they become widows. Namboothiri widows do not have to remove hair. They are allowed to participate in rituals. They can even perform "Sraadham" of their parents and grandparents (see the article "Cremation") and the special ritual "Nedikkal" in the central quadrangle of the house during "Kudiveppu" (see the paragraph "Kudiveppu" in the article "Shodasakriyakal").

K P C Anujan Bhattathiripad
Padinjaredath Mana
Cherpu - 680 561

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