This section contains the descriptions of a few homes of Namboothiris... |
The ancient view in India was that a student was a seeker of Vidya, the... |
Quite a lot has been done already by Namboothiris in the field of Vedic... |
Paadam Vekkal is an old, intellectual yet entertaining exercise which... |
The Nambiathiris are a sect of Braahmanans who were part of the... |
Wash your feet, perform Aachamanam, lay out the (banana) leaf with... |
If the sacred thread one has on at the moment is about to perish or... |
Upasththaanam should be observed precisely at mid-day. However... |
The foundation of Braahmanyam, the essence of being a Braahmanan... |
Yogakshema Sabha - Annual Days, Presidents & Secretaries... |
Yogakshema Sabha, a socio-cultural organisation was formed in the... |
The Athippatta Illam is in Chethalloor in Palakkat district, bounded in the... |
The Paambum Mekkaad Mana with its famous snake shrine lies about two... |
The internationally renowned and ancient Mannaarasaala Sree Naagaraaja... |
The temple Poojaaris (temple priests) of Badari are Namboothiris... |
This is a copy of the research paper published by Prof: Frits Staal of... |
Associated with almost every major temple (Mahaakshethrams) in Kerala... |
Dasadaanam, an offering, is a rite performed as a part of almost all major... |
That it was Mezhathol Agnihothri who, during the fourth century (AD)... |
For Namboothiri boys, period between Upanayanam & Samaavarthanam... |
Namboothiri Sanskrit Scholars of the 20th Century... |
The Namboothiri community, by virtue of their extra-ordinary intellectual... |
The contribution of the Namboothiri community to the evolution, overall... |
Last update:27th July 2010