Namboothiris lived in a joint family system. On the paternal side, they
consider their parents/ uncles/ aunts, grandparents/ uncles/ aunts, great
grandparents/ uncles/ aunts, and similarly, nephews and nieces, children,
grand children and great grandchildren as a single unit. This used to
be a Namboothiri family. The three generations above and below formed a
"tharavad". And, still above and below that was considered as a "griham".
The system is now continued in very few families, as most have partitioned
at different stages.
head of the family is the ultimate authority in all matters including transaction
of properties. He has overall control on all members of this joint family.
In observing "pula" (defilement) also, this closeness or remoteness in relationship
is considered as the basis.