Rigvedam, as indicated above, is a collection of poems, hymns and invocations of deities, reflecting
myths, rites, battles and insights of many kinds. Texts and procedures
for rituals and rites of Brahmanans are generally derived from it.
consists of verse and prose largely concerned with rituals. Saamavedam,
on the other hand, consists mostly of parts of Rigvedam set to music, and
a few (less than 100) stanzas of its own. But the tune of rendering (chanting) Saamavedam is totally
different from that of Rigvedam and Yajurvedam, and is melodious.
is somewhat similar to Rigvedam, but with stress on the practical aspects, and is probably addressed to a different stratum of society.
Each Namboothiri family is a follower of one of the first
three Vedams, but not Athharwavedam. Two different recensions (divisions, versions) among Rigvedi Namboothiris are Kousheetakan and Aaswalaayanan. Kousheetakans follow the Baskala text of Rigvedam while Aaswalaayanans
follow the Saakala text. Though both texts are intrepretations
of Rigvedam, they give different versions. Yajurvedam also has two
branches; Krishna Yajurvedam and Sukla Yajurvedam. Almost all Yajurvedi Namboothiris belong
to KrishnaYajurvedam branch, of which, most families
follow the Boudhaayana text, a very few (around 15 families), the Badhoolaka
text and a negligibly few families follow the Apastamba text. The last group is practically extinct now after their conversion into
other texts, basically due to lack of experts to guide them to perform
rituals. All Yajurvedi Namboothiris
follow Thaithareeya methods of Yajurvedam for performing rituals such as
Yaagams. Samavedi Brahmanans also have different recensions namely Koudhumam,
Raanayaneeyam and Jaimineeyam, but all present day Saamavedi Namboothiris
are of Jaimineeya recension. All these five classes of Namboothiris differ
in terms of rites, rituals, chanting, recitation and performances. All
over Vedic India, such differences can be seen. According
to Manusmriti (the law book of Manu) a Brahmanan who does not know the
Vedic verses (at least of one Vedam) is useless. The most popular part of Rigvedam
is the Gayathri, a three-line verse from the Rigvedam "... may we receive
the desirable light of God Savitr, who shall impel our thoughts" - (translation by Frits Staal).
of Vedam: Vedic teaching and preservation were done orally. Writing
was unknown in the community to which the composers belonged. When writing
was later introduced from elsewhere, it was considered taboo to the Vedic
heritage. For a long time writing of Vedams continued to be considered
impure and even offensive. Hence memory and sound of recitation played
an important role in the preservations of Vedams. A later Vedic text, the
Aitareya, Aaranyaka, states that a pupil should not recite Vedam after
he has eaten meat, seen blood, or a dead body, had sexual intercourse or engaged
in writing, until after a bath.
oral transmission of Vedams from father to son or from a teacher to pupil
is known as "Adhyayanam" (learning or recitation). This is contrasted with
"Prayogam" or "application of text in rituals" which refers to the general
use of the Vedic text in ritual, or "Viniyogam", which refers to the recitations
of a particular "Manthram" at a particular point in the ritual. One or more
priests during Vedic rituals recite Vedic passages. The structure and organization
of this recited material follows the requirements of the ritual. As a
result, sentences and verses are often taken out of their original context
by those who recite and who were experts in arrangement and rearrangement
of sentences and verses in "Prayogam". However, the original arrangement
is followed during "Adhyayanam". Hence, a group of Namboothiris can be
seen who are only experts in learning and teaching Vedams. Some are experts in
modifications and rearrangements as well as insertion in between sentences
of Vedams for use in rituals ("Prayogam"). A third group of Namboothiris
preserved the ritual practice itself and know what, how, where, and when
to act as well as recite ("Viniyogam"). Vedic learning, Prayogam as well
as Viniyogam, in the proper way, requires excellent intellectual and memory
capacity. Knowlegde in Vedam and perfection in chanting and recitation
of each individual are tested routinely. (For more information on Vedic
testing, Click here or read the article "Anyonyam").
rituals: The four Vedams are not similar in nature. Rigvedam
contains numerous references to ritual practices. Many other portions of
it have neither ritual connection nor visible ritual structure. Most
priestly functions and names of officiating post for names of priests are mentioned,
and there are terms for particular rites and ritual recitations, for altars
and especially for rites concerned with Soma, the sacred plant. The
arrangement and organization of Yajurvedam are done mostly with ritual
considerations. Saamavedam consists for the largest part, of material taken
from Rigvedam and set to music. This adaptation from text to melodies
has resulted in numerous textual changes and in the insertion of much new
material, originally perhaps necessitated by the requirements of melody.
The structure of Saamavedam is complex. Athharwavedam itself, though perhaps
as ancient as Rigvedam, has an entirely different background and was
added later to the three Vedams. It is seldom employed in
Yaagam is a long and sophisticated Vedic ritual performed by chanting Vedic
Manthrams and offerings to Agni (Fire, as God). There are several types
of Yaagams namely Somayaagam, Agni (Athiraatram) and so on. Although researchers
have obtained proof of a Vajapeya Yaagam performance in the 1st century
AD at Perinchelloor (Thaliparamb), Namboothiris generally perform only
Somayaagam and Athirathram. The Yaagam procedure consists of multifarious
activities, distributed among priests from different Vedams, who officiate
on behalf of, and for the benefit of a ritual Patron, the "Yajamaanan".
Yaagam and the related rituals belong to "Sroutha Karmangal".
550 BC, Vedic civilization began to decline. Still fragments of the original
Vedic rituals continued. The original Vedic rituals survived to the present
day in short domestic rites of Brahmanans and in their marriage rites.
Several north Indian Vedic experts including the north Indian logician
Udayana, in the 11th century AD, declared that the great and long Vedic
ceremony was no longer performed. However, according to Frits Staal, "In
a distant corner of South West India, Kerala, far away from the original
home of Vedic civilization, a few families among the isolated and orthodox
community of Namboothiri Brahmanans have maintained their Vedic tradition
and continue to perform two Vedic rituals; Agnishthomam (Somayaagam), which
lasts for five days and uses the sacred plant "Soma" (from which is derived, the name Somayaagam)
and Agnichayanam (Agni or Athiraathram), which lasts for twelve days and continue
through some nights (from which the name Athiraathram)." ( Click
here to know more about the sacred plant "Soma").
Namboothiri having the following qualification can perform Somayaagam.
Namboothiri after performing Somayaagam obtains the title of Somayaaji
or Somayaajipad. A Somayaaji can perform the highest level Yaagam, Athiraathram
(Agnyadhayam or Agni), if
A Somayaaji
after performing the Athiraathram obtains the title Akkithiri or Akkithiripad.
Only very few Rigvedam, Yajurvedam and Saamavedam Namboothiris have this title. The chief consultants of Vedic rituals are the six families,
Cherumukku, Thaikkat (both belong to Sukapuram Graamam), Perumpadappu, Kaplingaad (both of Peruvanam Graamam), Kaimukku mana,
and Panthal Mana (both are of Irinjalakkuda Graamam). The last four
families had performed Yaagam around fifty years back or much earlier while
the first two have performed it even recently (in 1970s and 80s).
Brahmanans all over the Indian sub-continent stopped Yaagam because of non-acceptance
of this culture by Buddhism and Jainism, Namboothiris also became reluctant
to continue with Yaagam for several years. It was Mezhathol Agnihothri ( Click here )
who took initiative to resume the Vedic culture. His efforts received support
from seven Namboothiri Gramams, viz., Perinchellur (Taliparamb), Karikkad,
Sukapuram, Panniyur, Aalathiyur, Peruvanam and Irinjalakkuda. Hence,
only in these seven villages, we find Namboothiris having right to perform
Yaagams. Seven Namboothiri families (other than the family of Mezhathol
Agnihothri) joined him to resume performing Yaagam and together, they conducted
99 Yaagams. Looking from this angle the contribution of Mezhathol Agnihothri
to preserve Vedic culture is far excellent. Today's Namboothiris are to
thank primarily Mezhathol Agnihothri for his lifelong effort to co-ordinate
and organise Namboothiris and to rejuvinate the Vedic culture.
second largest Namboothiri contributor to preserve Vedic culture and to
purify Namboothiri culture is Sree Sankaraacharya in 8th century AD.
Vedic India: In the present day India, Vedic traditions survive in
two main areas. One in western India with extensions to the north (Maharashtra,
and Uttar Pradesh) and the other in south (Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala). The southern tradition is stronger. Because
of Muslim invasion and spreading of Budhism and Jainism, Vedic traditions
moved to the extremities of the country, especially to the south.
Rigvedam (Aaswalaayanan group), Yajurvedam and Saamavedam traditions
can be seen in western India. Athharwavedam pocket can be seen in Sourashtra
(Maharashtra) and Paippalaada (Orissa). There are a few isolated
Vedic traditions in Nepal, exiled from other areas of north India. "There
is hardly anything left in the original homeland of the Vedams, the north-west,
and equally little in Bengal, in the far northeast", says Frits Staal.
southern tradition is characterised by the preponderance of Yajurvedam,
along with Rigvedam and Saamavedam. The Sukapuram Graamam of Namboothiris
is probably one of the strong holds of Kousheetakan recension in Vedic
India. The Athharwavedam never seems to have existed in the south. Though
Rigvedam is the same in the west and south, its style of recitation is
very different.
Culture in Kerala: The Vedic tradition in Kerala is unique and
self-contained. It may be mainly due to the separation of Kerala from the rest
of India by the Western Ghats. The Ghats, with an average elevation of
5,000 ft. but with a few peaks above 8,000 ft., and roughly parallel to west
coast, some 30km from the sea in the northern and about
60km in the southern part of Kerala. There is one main gap, the Palakkad
gap, through which most east-west communication takes place. Namboothiri
settlements have mostly taken place through the coastal gap in north
Kerala (which is small in area), we find a tradition that is relatively
small, but quite different from the rest of India, and entirely self-contained",
says Frits Staal in his book "Agni". If it had not been self-contained
it could not have supported a homogenous Sroutha tradition. The Sroutha
tradition of Namboothiris did not have to import Vedic experts to Kerala
from the rest of Vedic India. , The Kausheetakan recension is found among Rigvedi
Namboothiris, while it is no longer found anywhere else. Aaswalaayanan
recension in Rigvedam, Baudhaayanan recension (more common), Badhoolakan
recension (less common), both of Yajurvedam and extremely rare Saamavedam
tradition (Jaimileeya recension) are also seen in Kerala. As mentioned earlier, there is no Athharwavedam
among the Namboothiris. According to Frits Staal, the Namboothiri Vedic
tradition makes an archaic impression when compared to the rest of India.
to Burnell, based on his study on Vedic schools in Malabar (North Kerala)
in 1890, 80% of Namboothiris follow Rigvedam, 19% Yajurvedam, and the
rest 1% follow Saamavedam. Another estimate on Malabar, as quoted by Logan
in 1885, showed that, out of 1,017 Namboothiri families, 466 families followed
Rigvedam, 406 families followed Yajurvedam, and 6 families followed Saamavedam
while 139 families were either excluded from Vedams or uncertain. The Vedic
distribution in Cochin and Travancore (which were princely states while
Malabar was under British Rule) was unknown till the studies of Staal in
1961. The study conducted in Malabar, Cochin and Travancore (the totality
of these three areas is today's Kerala) estimated 35% Rigvedis, 50% Yajurvedis,
0.08% Saamavedis and the rest excluded from Vedams. The Thrissur belt (in erstwhile
Cochin State), an area in Central Kerala, has important. Yajurvedam and Saamavedam centres.
Namboothiris are probably unique to have a sub-caste of Brahmanans who
are excluded from Vedams. They are called "Othillatha Namboothiris" (Namboothiris
without Othu). "Othu" is the colloquial word for Vedam. These include Chaathira
Namboothiris (who were engaged only in military exercises, in the form of games
like Panemkali), Adukkala Namboothiris (who specialised in large-scale
cooking), and, interestingly, some keezh-santhi Namboothiris (temple priests).
The Astavaidyans, eight families of hereditary physicians, except Vaidyamadham,
are Othillatha Namboothiris. All Othillatha Namboothiris study Samhitha
(Vedic text) but not the remaining portions like Brahmanam, Aaranayakam
and Upanishad. Also, they do not perform any Vedic Sroutha ritual, nor teach or
practice Vedam recitation.
the original 32 Namboothiri Graamams (villages), Sukapuram (Chovaram), Perumanam
and Irinjalakuda were the Vedic strongholds. Perinchelloor (Thaliparamba)
Graamam has had a strong Vedic base in 9th and 10th century. In Sukapuram,
there were originally only Rigvedis of Kaushitakan recension and Samavedis.
Aaswalaayana-Rigvedam was added later when several Namboothiri families
of Panniyoor Graamam joined Sukapuram. In Irinjalakuda, there is no Rigvedam.
The Yajurvedic Namboothiris there are mostly of Baudhayanan recension and
rarely Badhoolakan. In Perumanam, the Rigvedam is Aaswalaayanan
and Yajurvedam, Baudhaayanan.
Teaching and Recitation: Namboothiris, who are entitled to recite
Vedams, have evolved a rich and diversified culture of Vedam recitation.
Their recitation is quite different from traditional vedam recitations in
other parts of India. This is due to a variety of features, such as the pronunciation of Sanskrit in Kerala. An Important feature is nasalization,
a feature of Malayalam in general which seems to be relatively ancient.
(In Sanskrit it was called "anunaasika athiprasaram") Another reason may be that a much larger percentage of Malayalam words is of
Sanskrit origin than is the case with Tamil. It may also be connected
with the isolated development of the Namboothiri tradition, which was not
exposed to contact with other traditions. And lastly, though there have
been many Namboothiri scholars of Sanskrit, there has not been a tendency
to bring existing practice in line with the norms established in the past.
Rather, the living tradition has been left to prevail and develop freely.
first four to six years of traditional education among the Namboothiris,
(between Upanayanam and Samaavarthanam) is spent on the memorisation of
the Vedam. Each boy memorises, of his own Vedam, most or all of the "Samhitas"
(Vedic texts). This may be followed by more advanced recitations, in particular
of the "padapantha" and of some of its "vikriti" modifications. There are
particular "vikriti" modifications of Namboothiris that are not known in
other parts of India. (Cf. Staal, 1961.47-49, 59-61). In both Rigvedam
and Yajurvedam recitation, the Vedic accents Udaatha, Anudaatha and Svarita,
are taught in a special manner: the teacher keeps the pupil's head straight
for the Udaatha, bends it down for the Anudaatha and bends it to the right
for Svaritha. When the accents have been properly learned and memorised,
the head should no longer be moved. There are also special hand gestures
("Mudra") that accompany special features of Vedam recitation. The Namboothiri
Saamavedis use different movements. While all Vedic recitations are taught
at home, there are two special schools for the teaching of Rigvedam,
one at Thrissur and the other at Thirunaavaaya, in Malappuram district.
The Thirunaavaaya School was formed by a Namboothiri of Puthillath Mana
supported by several other Namboothiris and financed by Saamoothiri Raja
(King Zamorin) of Malabar. The Thrissur school was supported by the Raja
of Cochin. There are differences in the style of recitation of the two
Rigvedi schools. The Thrissur school (Brahmaswam Madhom) has a few students
even now, while the Thirunaavaaya school is not functioning. The Thrissur school
recently started admitting children of families, which originally followed
Thirunaavaaya style.
was an idea to form a school to teach Yajurvedam, in recent years, but
it has not been successful yet. In the Yajurvedam, there are also two traditions
that differ slightly in style of recitation, one following the Peruvanam Graamam and the other Irinjalakuda. The Yajurvedam and Saamavedam
are being taught in homes. The Saamavedam tradition is the feeblest (with
only 21 families) and will perhaps be the first to disappear. These 21
Manas are Nellikkaattil Mammannu, Muttathukaatil Mammannu,
Thottam, Perumangad, Korattikkara (all in Paanjaal, Thrissur
district), Moothiringod, Naripatta (Kodumunda, Palakkad dist.),
Pakaraavoor, Mangalatheri (both in Mookkuthala, Malappuram dist.),
Vadakkaanchery (Valiya), Mundaya (Kaattukulam, Palakkad dist.),
Kaambram (Padinjaarangadi, Malappuram dist.),
and the nine families based at Kidangoor, near Kottayam, namely Malamel,
Muriyoth Malamel, Kallambilly, Nellipuzha Kallambilly, Paatyal, Onamthuruth
Paatyal, Mulavelipuram, Vaatana and Podoor. Out of these 21, 20 have Othu
(Vedam) while Kaambram Mana, due to its affiliation to Panniyur Graamam,
is excluded from Othu. All the five Paanjal-basedfamilies along with
Pakaraavoor and Mangalatheri have the right to perform Yaagam.
studies were conducted on the Namboothiri style of recitation of Vedams
by Frits Staal, (1961), Gray (1959) and Howard (1977).
A time span of about two millennia separates the Vedic Indians from the
Namboothiris, the Malayalam-speaking Brahmanans. "The difference in life
style, practices and beliefs between Vedic nomads and Namboothiri Brahmanans
is almost total", says Frits Staal in his book "Agni". In terms of caste
and religious observances, the Namboothiri has remained orthodox until
the beginning of the 20th century. (To know more about the changes of Namboothiri
community in 20th century AD, Click here ) Devoted
to their rituals, Tanthric as well as Vedic, from which outsiders are excluded,
they were relatively unaffected by modern "English" education. "Most Namboothiris
have been settled as peaceful villagers, country aristocrats, small land
owners, connoisseurs of literature and the traditional arts (like Kathakali),
scholars and gentlemen", observes Staal. According to Ananthakrishna Iyer
in his paper on "The Cochin Tribes and Castes II " (Madras-London, 1912),
"...the most conspicuous characteristics of Namboothiris are simplicity
and exclusiveness, obviously the former predicate does not extend to their
He should belong to the family which is entitled to do Yaagam (see Aadu
class in the classification menu)
If his father is alive, and he had performed the same Yaagam.
If his elder brothers are alive and they had performed the same Yaagam or
he is the eldest son.
He has performed a shorter ritual by name "Aadhaanam". Aadhaanam is the same
as Agniaadhaanam referred in the article, Shodasakriyakal.
He is married and his wife is alive.
he is married and his wife is alive
his father (if alive), and older brothers (if alive) have performed Athiraathram.
edited by P. Vinod Bhattathiripad
Ref: "Agni" by Frits Staal, Asian Humanities Press, Berkeley, 1983. |