This learned Yogi began to ignore Sudhaasudhham (click here), Sandhyaavandanam and other "Aachaarams" and "Anushtthaanams" with the result that the local Namboothiri community ex-communicated him from Attayil temple. When the temple door was closed, a divine pronouncement ("Asareeri") was apparently heard that it should not be opened by anyone. It was only very recently after some prescribed rites were performed, that the door was opened again.
An Ilanji tree (Mimosops elengi) is said to have stopped flowering after a seed fell on the leprosy-ridden Athyaasrami's body. His "Samaadhi" occurred on a hill near Trichambaram (Taliparamba, Kannur Dt.) where even now devotees reverently touch the stool (Peettham) apparently used by this Yogi.
Article by : Adv. B Agnisarman Namboodiri, Athrasseri Mana, P.O.: Thrikkalathur, 683 557, Ernakulam Dt. Phone : 0484 2652450 |